The time entered can be rounded up to e.g. 15 minutes.  This might be especially useful for Check In / CheckOut or FastTrack (i.e. where you start/stop the time working on a particular item). It helps adjusting for setup/wind down time.

Time rounding can be based on the Time+Expense "From Source" field, e.g. Manual, Mobile, Case, Import, ... for one or several sources - or ALL for all sources.

The rounding up is based on the Rounding Factor; here are a few examples of the relationship of factor to minutes:


Example: if the Factor is 0.25 (i.e. rounds up to full 15 minutes)

  • entered/captured: 2.5h - no rounding
  • entered/captured: 2.6h - rounded up to 2.75h
  • entered/captured: 2.7h - rounded up to 2.75h
  • entered/captured: 2.8h - rounded up to 3.0h

Rounding is applied when you save a Time+Expense item, which is not approved.


In Setup > Custom Settings, click on Manage Accorto Settings

for the Default Organization Level Value update

  • Rounding Source - enter the From Sources, e.g. "Mobile, Case" or "ALL"
  • Rounding Factor - enter the rounding up factor, e.g. 0.15


You can overwrite the rounding of the Timer in Setup > Custom Settings, , click on Manage Accorto Settings

for the Default Organization Level Value update

  • Rounding Timer - set to "None" if you want to maintain the actual time values for the Timer (i.e. not rounded) and the TE Item to be rounded
  • Rounding Timer - set to "NOT" if you want to maintain the actual time values for the timer and the TE Item (i.e. not rounded)

The Rounding Timer can also restrict rounding to certain sources, e.g., "Mobile, Case" or "ALL". If not set, it uses the Rounding Source value.