Mass Import allows the processing of high volume Time+Expense information. Smaller import files can be imported also via the Import links in the Welcome Tab or Timesheet.

After the data is imported, deleting the import does not delete T+E Items or Reports.

If required, set the Import Parameters (Custom Settings) for headless data files or custom mapping of columns.

General Process

There should be no need to modify the import file (e.g. remove columns, etc.). We provide various options to define how to import a particular file. You can import also 'headerless' or data-only files. Here we concentrate on csv files with a header.

In contrast to Salesforce Imports, we use smart lookups. Example: the resource can be identified via Resource Nane, Code, Employee Number, email, etc.  The same applies to Projects, etc.

1) Plain

We try to map the headings in the csv file based on the header name; Examples

  • employee -> resource
  • time -> hours
  • details -> description

When you load the CSV (see below), the columns and mapping details are displayed with potential errors.

2) Synonyms and Ignore

You can map whatever terminology to the appropriate columns; Examples

  • date
  • hours
  • activity type
  • description
  • project
  • resource
  • fin. account
  • receipt amount

For this, you need to set up Import Parameters (Setup > Custom Settings > Accorto Import Parameters).

As different files can have different format mappings, create Import Parameters, and name it with a part of the import file name.  Then, just enter the synonyms found in the import file header line.

Add the columns not used in "Ignore Columns". This ensures that you don't accidentally miss information to be imported.

Note that you can specify a Custom Project Column.  In addition to the Project Name and code we then look up the project by the column you specify (just enter the API name).

3) Defaults

You can provide default values if the import or line does not contain a value for a particular column.  Example: a default Project or Activity Type.  Note that you just need to enter the name, e.g. Default Activity Type - and NOT the Default Activity Id.  We look up the id for you.

4) Hardcoding Headers

You can hardcode the mapping, by providing a header line.  This should only be necessary when you need to import some information, where the system does not find the mapping via name or synonym.

As soon as you provide a Header Line in the import Parameters, synonyms, etc. are ignored.

You still need to provide the columns to be ignored.  Example:

Cvs Header Columna, b, c
Parameter: Header Linete_date__c, , hours__c
Parameter: Ignore Columnsb

Here we have three columns in the file, where just the first and last column is imported and the middle ignored.

In the header line, enter the API names of the column.  You can skip the 'accorto__' prefix of the API name.

a) Loading

In the Tab T+E Import, create a New record. 

This opens the Load + Process screen.  You can re-open it later by clicking on the Load + Process button.

- Choose a File and click Load CSV

This loads the file and creates the import lines

After Loading, check

  • Columns Used (the API names are listed here)
  • Columns Ignored (not recognized)
  • Total number of lines

After this, you can also view the import lines in the standard Salesforce tab.

b) Processing

After you loaded the lines, check the process parameters:

  • Report Creation Option
  • Import All or None (if selected, nothing is imported if there is an error)
  • Submit Reports (if reports are created)

After clicking the Process button, Refresh the page to check for updates. Processing is done via batch. 

After the process is complete, the summary information is displayed.

If there are errors, go back to the Import record and check the Import lines for errors. You can fix the error right there and come back to this screen to start the process again.

You can also delete the created T+E Items and Reports.  For that, update the description with "Delete Reports" and/or "Delete Items" as a confirmation.  Deleting the Import record (and/or the lines) does not delete the imported T+E Items and Reports.