This is a template for a user manual. As you can highly customize the apps, it might require adjustments of text and screenshots.  We concentrate here on entering time using the Lightning UI.


As an administrator, in Setup > Users, create the new user and after saving it, click on the link Create/Update Resource (you may have to add the link to the page layout).

This creates in one step all prerequisites:

  • Creates a Resource
  • Assign a license to User
  • Assign the Permission Set 'Accorto T+E User'

If the user also creates/updates projects and resources, add the permission set 'Accorto T+E Administrator'.

Open Timesheets

You can see what time you entered and submitted in the Home Tab:

In one glimpse, you can see for the last few weeks:

  • the time in hours you entered
  • the time you submitted
  • the work hours for that week 
  • the time which is marked as billable

To update your time, just click on the week.

Weekly Timesheet

How to find/open the Timesheet

In addition to the link from the Open Timesheet, you can open the Timesheet via the Salesforce selector:

In the selector, search for Time. Your administrator could have added the Time entry to the menu and you can also add it to any Menu.

Enter Time

Timesheet initial

By default, the Timesheet opens for the current week (or the selected week from the Open Timesheets).

You can navigate to other weeks via the previous [<] or next [>] navigation buttons.

Select the project and if applicable the activity type.

We capture time in decimal hours, but you can enter it in various formats, e.g.

  • "90" -- in minutes (if more than 15 minutes)
  • "1:30" -- in hours : minutes or just minutes ":30"
  • "1h30m" -- with 'h' and 'm' - also e.g. "10m"
  • "1.5" or "1,5" -- decimal time

Enter a Description for the weekly entry - see details below.

If the Billable column is displayed, there is usually no need to enter anything - it is derived from the project you selected.  Once saved, you can use it to mark exceptions (e.g. not billable)

Enter time for additional projects by clicking on the New button.

For the days and the week, the total entered hours are displayed.

Save your work anytime by clicking on the Save button. You can come back anytime to add new time records.

(note that a line is not saved, if no hours are entered)


Descriptions can be up to 255 characters, but there is also the option for a long description. By default, we show the weekly description, but you can also enter daily descriptions (or your administrator may require that).

Timesheet description

In your organization, you may need to provide a daily description for any hours entered.

Copy previous entries

You can copy entries from previously entered weeks:

You have the option to copy just the project/activity type - or all the info including the hours and descriptions.

If you don't need a copied entry, just click on the Delete icon at the end of the line.

Submitting Time

Once you entered all the time (check the total for the week), you submit it.

You might get an error message that not all the expected time was entered. You can provide an additional comment:

Once submitted, the entries become read-only.

If for some reason the timesheet is rejected, they become updateable again and you can change the records, add new ones, and submit it again.

Note, that you can also submit multiple timesheets per week (e.g. if you notice later that you forgot to enter some time).

Hints and Links

You can view your hours in the Open Timesheets component.

For details check Time (with video) -- the 'classic' version of the Timesheet

You can capture your time anywhere in Salesforce, e.g. in the Account, Case, or any other tab - see Timer and New Time+Expense. You can capture your time immediately 'at the source' and view/submit them in the Timesheet later.

An additional option is to enter time on Mobile via the Salesforce Apps or a dedicated mobile app.