The definition of Resource Utilization varies greatly from company to company. Accorto provides the ability to define and report the statistics you need and allows also to compare full time and part time employees.
As setting up Utilization is a bit more complex due to supporting different approaches and technology, please schedule a call and we are happy to help setting it up based on your requirements:
For a Resource, define the daily capacity (Capacity/d) in hours as well as the days per week. This determines the the capacity per week. If nothing is entered, the daily capacity defaults to 8h and the days per week to 5.
The resource has daily Utilization records, which are used for reporting. These records need to be calculated. After the the completion of the setup steps, you can schedule an Apex Job to calculate the records (see below) or start the calculation manually from the Utilization Help Page.
Utilization Category
Automatically, billable and not billable time is captured. Here you set up additional categories.
You can set up multiple categories and reference them in your Projects or Activity Types, e.g. Business Development, Overhead, Leave, etc.
Assignment priorities:
- Activity Type with a Utilization Category
- Project with a Utilization Category
- The default Utilization Category
Creating a new Category record, will create a new column in Resource Utilization. The field Column Name is populated later, if the column exists.
Before creating a new Utilization category, you need to allow access to your Salesforce instance
(e.g. or via Setup > Remote Site Settings.
After creating a new Utilization category, you will receive an email that the Resource Utilization column was created (see below).
Creating the Utilization Category manually
If process to create the Utilization Category fails, you will get an email "Accorto Metadata Results"
- System.CalloutException: IO Exception: Unauthorized endpoint, please check Setup->Security->Remote site settings. endpoint =...
The URL to enter is just the domain, so the endpoint part before /service/Soap/... - You would have to delete the Utilization Category and then re-create it with the permissions set.
You can also create the field manually in Setup > Objects > Utilization
Create a Number 10,2 field and enter the API name (e.g. Presales__c) in the Utilization Category record.
Project, Activity Type
Select the Utilization category. You may need to add the field to your layout.
Note that if an Activity Type has a Utilization Category, it overwrites the Utilization Category of the Project.
Resource Utilization
After creating a new Utilization Category, you will receive an email confirmation that the column was created..
In Setup > Object > (Resource) Utilization set the Field-Level Security for the new column and category.
Create or modify Formulas for the utilization calculation. Some examples:
- Billable Project Work / Total Hours
- Project Work / Total Hours
- Billable Project Work / (Total Hours - Time Off for Leave, Vacation, Holiday, ...)
Start the Calculation of the Utilization information here or on
Setup > Apex Classes click 'Schedule Apex' for the class UtilizationCalculation and view the status in
Setup > Scheduled Jobs.
The Job recalculates the utilization for the last 14 days and includes all T&E Items, including not approved or submitted.
Alternatively you can start the process manually via the Resource Utilization Help screen.
You want to recalculate, to reflect changes of Project, Activity Type or the Billable flag.
Create Utilization Reports
After you created the formulas for your utilization statistics, you can create reports. As the records are calculated on a daily basis, you can create reports for different periods, e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly or create trend reports.
Some of the predefined columns:
- Factor Holiday: (for use in formulas) - 1 for normal days - 0 for holidays defined in Setup > Company Profile > Holidays.
The Holiday can be for all employees (default) or for only the ones of a specific Locale. - Factor Workday: (for use in formulas) - 1 for normal days - 0 for weekends
- Target Hours: the expected amount of hours to be forked for that day. It is calculated:
- Resource Daily Capacity (defaulting to 8) Factor Workday Factor Holiday
- e.g. it is 8 for normal days and 0 for weekends and holidays
- Normalized Target Hours: Normalized capacity for a 7 day week (e.g. 40h for 5 days is 5.7h) for use in formulas for weekly or monthly metrics (e.g. compare Jan with Feb) and/or to compare part time and full-time resources.
It is calculated: Resource Weekly Capacity / 7