By default, Time+Expense Information is stored in a weekly record, but you may want to report daily or by date range.

The Object T+E Item Day allows you to handle your reporting needs and can be extended via formulas, etc.

The object stores daily records referencing the original Time Expense Item with the additional

  • the actual day (T+E Day) with the Hours and/or Receipt Amount and description
  • first day of the week - for weekly summary reports


You create the records by going to the Tab T+E Item Day

- In Classic, click on the Help - or 

- Select any record and choose any record action like Edit, Delete, Clone or New

Select any record action to open the manage page

This opens the Manage page:

  • Enter Date Range from/to
  • Create the info synchronously for a small date range or Start Batch
    - Validate updates the records in the date range.
  • Delete not needed records with a date range
Manage T+E Item Day Records

You would select the Batch (async) method if you expect more than 5,000 records to be processed (or if the click on Create creates a Salesforce Governor limit error).


You can also set up a scheduled Apex Job based on the class "TEItemDayUpdate" to create/update the Daily Item Info for the last 30 days.

Another option is to immediately create the records:

> Setup > Custom Settings -- Manage - Accorto Settings

set "Item Day update immediately" to yes

Use in Reports - see Monthly and Daily Reporting

Create a new Report - in Quick Find enter "Day" and select
"T&E Items with T&E Item Days"

From "T&E Item Day" - select fields like T&E Date, Hours, etc.

from the "T&E Item" - select references like Project, Account, etc.