checklist is usually a simple list. We also provide Task sequences.

The Checklist Editor allows easy definition of dependencies via point-and-click:

- adding and deleting Dependencies and managing Invalid dependencies (e.g. cycles or no starting point).

You can view the Task progress in the Checklist Instance Graph

Adding Dependencies

In the checklist, click on the Sequence tab to see your checklist items:

Then, click on an Item (here, we clicked on Initial Task):

The cursor changes to a '+' and we clicked on the dependent Task (here: Parallel Task 1)

We confirm that we want to create the dependency.

If you accidently clicked on a node - just click on the Refresh button

In the same way, we 

- click on "Initial Task" again -- to select the start node

- click on "Parallel Task 2" -- to select the dependent node

We add the dependency from "Parallel Task 1" to "Last Task":

... and the dependency from "Parallel Task 2" to "Last Task":

When a Task has multiple Prerequisites, the task can be started when 

  • the first of the Prerequisites is complete        ⟹ =   (logical OR)
  • or wait for all Prerequisites to be complete    ⟹ }    (logical AND) ... the default

To change it, go to the "Last Task", and change the "All Complete" checkbox.

Please note, that only the first dependency is displayed here in the Checklist Item. You cannot create complex dependencies via the record entry screen ... use the Sequence Editor.

If you try to create invalid dependencies, an error message is displayed.

Deleting Dependencies

To delete a Dependency, click on the arrow/line:

... and confirm:

Managing Invalid Graphs

The Checklist Sequence Editor maintains the validity of the Graph.

If we try to add a dependency from the "Last Task" to the "Initial Task", we get:

Nevertheless, we can add the invalid dependency manually in the Checklist Item record.

E.g., here either add in the "Initial Task" record the Prerequisite "Last Task"

- or in the "Last Task" record the Dependency "Initial Task"

When we then open the Sequence Editor Tab, we get an error message line "Invalid cycle":

There are two ways to fix it:

- Click on the "Delete all dependencies" button

- Go to the "Initial Task" record and delete the Prerequisite "Last Task" 

   and go to the "Last Task" record and delete the Dependency "Initial Task"

(The sequence editor in the initial phase adds the corresponding Prerequisite dependency for a Dependency and vice versa)