Approving T+E Reports can sometimes be quite time consuming.  Especially, when T+E Reports are split by Project (so that every Project Manager gets the report for their projects), the number of Approvals can get high.  

Salesforce provides the ability to approve many requests at once, but there is insufficient information to actually check the T+E Reports.  One option is to approve via Email, which contains a summary of the T+E Report - if that is sufficient.

In the T+E Report Approval screen, you can view all open T+E Report Approval requests and have the most important information directly available and links to the details if required.

Open the Tab "T+E Report Approval" from (+) All Tabs or the App Launcher 

T+E Report Approval

T+E Approval displays the reports to be approved with the details and link to the actual T+E report and items.

To Approve or Reject simply

  • select the line for the report 
  • optionally change the Approved flag if you want to reject the report
  • optionally add an approval/rejection comment

and then click on Approve/Rejected Selected

The item information includes hours or expense amount, description and if the item is billable (last checkbox or empty square in a line).

Also, additional columns of the T+E Item FieldSet: Pdf Report are displayed.


In Lightning, you could add the component to the home page to open the tab directly:

Click on "Edit Page" and add the component "T+E Report Approval" to the page.  


Administrators can switch the approver to view or act for the manager:

In the Administrator: Select Approver section

  • select the manager
  • click on Refresh

Now, the reports for the manager selected are displayed.