Tasks can link to records, but you would have to go to the record or task to update information.

The Task Management and Timeline not just show Micro-Tasks, but also allow Inline Editing of 

  • Task fields and 
  • fields of the related record.

The user can update the fields if they have update access to the fields listed.

With the setup example setup below, you can now directly update the Task Priority, Account Website, and Account Phone:

Just change/update the fields:

You may have to refresh the screen to show the new values.



You need to create/edit a FieldSet with the API name of ChecklistInlineEdit for Tasks and/or the related object:

In > Setup > Object Manager

select the Task or related object (e.g. Account).

In Field Sets, edit or create a field set with the API name of ChecklistInlineEdit and add the fields you want to edit.

FieldSet ChecklistInlineEdit

In this example, we added the Task field: Priority

In this example, we added the Account fields: Website and Phone 


By default, the fields are now available for inline edit in all checklist tasks.

On the Checklist level, you can select a default in the field Inline Edit:

  • All (default) - all fields defined in the FieldSet (ChecklistInlineEdit) on Task or Related Object
  • Task - all fields in Task Fieldset
  • Record - all fields in the FieldSet of the Related Object
  • None - no fields

You can overwrite the values on the Checklist Item level.

Checklist Item

By default, the fields are now available for inline edit in all checklist tasks.

To restrict this, edit the field Inline Edit:

The options are:

  • empty (default): setting from Checklist (all, task, record, none)
  • "all": any fields defined in FieldSet (ChecklistInlineEdit) on Task or Related Object
  • "task": show only Task fieldsets
  • "record": show only record fieldsets
  • "none": no inline edit
  • comma-separated list of fields to show, e.g., Task.Priority

Uploading Files

You can directly upload files from the Task Management, Task Kanban, or Timeline to either the record or the task.

To enable this, add "Upload()" in the Checklist Item field Inline Edit.

example: Website,Upload()

You can provide parameters in the Upload() information:

- specify file types, e.g., Upload(.pdf) or Upload(.png,.jpg)

- upload multiple files, e.g., Upload(.pdf,multiple)

- upload files to the Task and not the record, e.g., Upload(.pdf,toTask)


in Checklist Item, the Inline Edit is set to: Phone, ParentId, Upload()

Inline Edit File Upload

Inline Edit for specific fields in specific tasks

Example: you want to create a Checklist to create two tasks for Account:

  • one is to add/check the Account's Phone number 
  • and one to add/check the Account's Website.

and you want the user to update the Phone and the Website Inline.

So, you 

  • set up the Field Set ChecklistInlineEdit on Account, adding the Phone and Website
  • create the Checklist with the two Items - Check Phone and Check Web Site

Let's look at the Inline Options of the Checklist/Item.  In the Inline Edit selection field on the Checklist, 

select All or Record [All would show all the fields in the Account and the Task fieldset].

But now, both fields (Phone and Website) are displayed in each of the Tasks.

So, you need to specify which field to display in the Checklist Items - and 

  • enter 'Phone' in the Inline Edit field for the 'Check Phone' checklist item
  • and 'Website' in the Inline Edit field for the 'Check Website' checklist item