Time&Expense items go through this flow, which can be modified to adapt to specific requirements:
T&E Items can be created manually by capturing the information via Timer, Timesheet, etc.
Users can enter the information via the standard Salesforce UI, Salesforce Experience, or Mobile.
You can also import T&E Items from csv or other formats
T&E Item Process
The progression of the T&E Item uses the T&E Item Status
- New -- T&E Item is created, but some information is missing
- Completed -- all (mandatory) information present
- Submitted -- submission for approval - can be automatically approved or based on criteria
- Approved -- item ready for processing
T&E Item Use
Now the T&E Items can be used for various processes
- Reimbursement of Expenses
- Creating Invoices (via Pre-Billing, etc.)
- Summarized for Payroll Processing (extracting payroll relevant info)
- Exported, e.g., to ERP system