You can import expenses via Salesforce data loader, from Spreadsheets or from Credit Card and Bank Statements.

The Create T&E Items option allows to set values like Fin.Account, Project, .. based on criteria.



Setup Financial Accounts (Expense Categories)

  • Import Fin.Accounts from CSV or enter manually
  • Supports Fixed Amounts (mileage, per diem)
  • details

Optionally setup Expenditure Types

  • Differentiate Corporate, Personal Cards and Cash
  • Differentiate if Reimbursed (e.g. Cash) or not (e.g. Corporate Cards)

Import OFX files

Most financial institutions offer statement transaction export via csv (see below) or ofx. The OFX format is often labeled as Quickbooks format.  You can import statements for one or multiple resources (users).

To download e.g. the transactions from Amex

  • In Amex for the Card, select "Download your Transactions"  - then "Card Activity"
  • Select: QuickBooks
  • Download ofx.qfx file(s)

In Salesforce, go to the Tab: Statements and click New

  • select the file
  • click: Import

You can import the same file/transactions multiple times, they are merged with existing statement lines.

The ofx file contains the account number, so no need to select the Bank/Credit Card Statement.

If the credit card account is not found, the statement will be named "New Credit Card" - just rename later.

The next screen shows the imported information to validate the file content.

Click Save/Merge

Create T&E Items

The screen Import T+E Items is displayed next. Later, you can return by clicking on the button "Create T&E Items" in the Statement.

Note that the amounts displayed for charges are negative.

In this screen, you can 

  • manually update the values if the Statement Lines
  • manually select lines
  • select lines based on criteria
  • update values for selected lines

You can Save your change anytime.

To actually create the Statement lines

  • manually or via select/set value
    set the "Create T&E" column
    to either Yes or No
  • click the "Create T&E Items" button
    • after this, the expenses will show in the Expense Tab of the Resource(s)

Import CSV Bank Statement records

You can import also CSV format statements from your credit card company or financial institution.

After downloading, open the csv file and check, if the account number is part of the csv lines.

Often the statement export do not contain the account number, so you need to add it to the csv file manually. You could also enter the Id of the Statement.

If you don't have a Statement yet for that Credit Card or Bank Account (quite often)

  • go to the Tab: Statement
  • click: New
  • click: Manual
    • Update the Account Number (most important) and the name

Data Import Wizard

Open the Data Import Wizard 

  • select Custom Object: Statement Lines
  • Add new records
  • Match by: Name (usually transaction number)
  • Statement Field for Mater/Detail
    • Select Account No (External ID) of the statement you created manually
    • (or the Id of the Statement - depending how you updated the csv file)
  • Map the fields

After the importing the records, go to the Tab Statement and click "Create T&E Items" see above.

Alternatively, you could add the references to Financial Account, Project, etc. in the Resource file and import the data as T&E Items directly.