A Checklist can have one or many Items. The items are the template to create the actual Tasks.

The main Checklist Item fields:

  • Name
  • Code - optional for sorting
  • Subject - the Task subject - can contain variables
  • Comment - the Task comment - can contain variables
  • Active - if de-selected no new Tasks are created

The Subject and Comment can contain variables. Example:

Check Install for {!Name} at {!theLocation__c}

The variables refer to the record content. You can use any field reference.

When creating the checklist tasks manually, you can overwrite all entries.

Assigned To

By default, the Task is assigned to the owner of the record. You can overwrite this with a 

- specific (selected) Assigned User 

- specific Assigned Queue

- or Dynamically Assigned User -- examples: 

MyUser__c   // field in the record 
accorto__Resource__r.accorto__User__c.  // lookup in the record referencing a user
CurrentUser   // use the current user

The reference is based on record fields and must reference a User.
Note that the user who adds the Checklist Tasks must be able to create tasks for the referenced user (if not, the task is assigned to the user who adds the Checklist Tasks).

Due Date

Date Offset Days:

Enter an offset in days from the date the checklist was added to the record.
If it is a dependent task, it is days after the previous task was completed.

Dynamic Target Date

Optional reference in the base record to calculate the Task Due Date for this item only; Examples:


It needs to be a date or date time field and overwrites the Checklist Target Date. 

Once calculated/created, it is not updated automatically.

Only if Valid

If entered, a task for this Item will only be created, if the expression applies to this record.  The expression can be any SOQL where clause, e.g. "Rating='Warm'" and it's validity is checked when entered.

Inline Edit

If Inline Edit is enabled, the value here determines what fields are displayed to be edited:

  • empty (default): setting from Checklist (all, task, record, none)
  • all: any fields defined in FieldSet (ChecklistInlineEdit) on Task or Record
  • task: show only Task fieldsets
  • record: show only record fieldsets
  • none: no inline edit for Tasks of this Item
  • comma-separated list of fields to show, e.g. Task.Priority

Tasks Fields

You can specify the Task Priority, or Type.

Also, if you add a field to the Checklist Item which has the same API name than a field on the Task, the value is copued. Example: you added the field "Category" to the Task object, if you add a "Category" field to the Item, the value is copied to the new Task.

Task Sequence

You can create workflow dependencies easily via the Checklist Editor - or manually:


For a given task, you can select a Prerequisite task, which needs to be completed before this task can start.


For a given Task, you can select a Dependent task, which is started after this task is completed.

Dependents All Complete

When selected ALL tasks where this task is used as a Dependent must be completed.
Otherwise, ANY - i.e. if the first Task where this task is a dependent is completed, this task starts.

Sequence Example:Item sequence details

So, you select the Prerequisite and Dependent on the Item itself.  In this example, the first Task will have the Status of "Not Started" whereas all others have the Status of "Waiting". That status is then updated if the previous task is Completed and the Due Date is set.

 Task Details

The sequence info above is a bit too technical for most of us ;-) so check out the Checklist Editor for easy entry.