You can view the Daily Time entered for multiple Resources for any time span.
Information is displayed as soon as the time is entered.
For each of the Resources, the time entered is color coded based on the information in the Resource record (Capacity/d [default: 8h] and Days per week [default: 5])
- red if below the daily Capacity
- green if the same as the Capacity/d
- blue if above the Capacity/d
- gray for weekend
- yellow for no time entered and less than 5 days per week
Example: Resource time by Project with Item details:
Note that you can create a Salesforce report with the same information and a few restrictions using the report type "T&E Items with T&E Item Days".
Selection / Query
The option "Show Resources without hours" allows you to see missing information (see also T+E Report Reminder)
The level of detail displayed is determined by
- Grouping (e.g. -none-)
- Show Item details (default: selected)
Optionally, you can group the time entered by
- Project (default)
- Project|Phase|Line
- Account
- Activity Type
- -none-
Optionally restrict the information to display
- specific Resource Groups (setup)
- Time entries with a particular status (e.g. Approved)
- (Non)Billable time
Depending on the data volume, you may run into Salesforce Governor limits. In this case, restrict the information, e.g.
- specific Resource Groups
- narrower Date Range
Export CVS
You can export the information displayed by selecting the option and copying the data into a file and save it as .csv.