Accorto Break and Meal functionality helps to ensure compliance with federal or state regulations or negotiated agreements.

See details: Rules - My Day


Work Status

By default, the following Work Status values are available:

  • Wok (default)
  • Meal
  • Break
  • Overtime (a special type of Work)
  • On Call (a special type of Work)
  • Away
  • Unavailable

You can rename the Value (but not the API name), disable not used, or, within some limits, create your own.

In the Break+Meal Rule, you can assign the work status to Billable (Yes, No, No Charge).

Break+Meal Rules

Definition of rules based on State regulations and company procedures - See Rules

// create example rules via developer console 

The selection of the rules that apply are based on (priority ordered)

  • State in Tax Location
  • Project
  • Resource
  • Default rule

My Day

Add the LWC component My Day to a page layout (Home, Community Page, Mobile)