Manage and Report on Break and Meal compliance rules and regulations.  Define your Break+Meal Rules.  When entering the hours in My Day, daily Break+Meal Compliance records are created. Overview

Break+Meal Compliance Rules

Define Rules

Define the rules based on Federal, State, and Company policy:

Work Status

The system has the following Work Status values - which you can modify in > Setup > Picklist Value Sets

(e.g. , deactivate unused values)

  • Work
  • Break
  • Meal
  • Overtime (special type of work)
  • On Call (special type of work)
  • Away
  • Unavailable

In the Rule the following status values are billable by default

  • Work - Overtime - On Call - Break - Meal

In the Rule the following status values are not billable by default

  • Away - Unavailable

You can also assign Work Status values to Billable No Charge

Rule Priority

You can define a specific Rule for 

  • Project
  • Resource

On the Resource Level, you can also specify that this Resource is Exempt

If not found by Project and Resource, the system matches the Tax Location.

If not found, the default Break+Meal Rule is used.

Break+Meal Compliance

When the user enters time in My Day, a compliance record for the day and resource is created:

Based on the rules, the system evaluates if the day is compliant (Rule Compliant) with information and why not (Compliance Info).

The user can provide notes (Compliance User Notes).

An administrator can overwite it (Compliance Overwrite) and add additional Compliance Notes.